I love papercut for its crisp lines and high contrast. It lends itself well to the organic curves of waves and weather. Trying to find a subjects most essential lines is an excellent excuse to slow down and look closer at the world around us.

Illustrating important stories
Back in 2013 I did a grant project for the city of Seattle that created an alphabet series of paper cut images screen-printed to display size that were sent into schools and libraries around the area. I had my own tot at the time and saw an opportunity to create a literacy tool that could connect new readers to the wonderful creatures and plants in their own back yard. This alphabet became the book S is for Salmon published by local Sasquatch press, and became that years runner up for a Washington State book award and an indie press bestseller, launching me into the world of books. Since then I have written a not-so-Northwesty companion alphabet called B is for Bear and the northwest adventure story Arrow to Alaska. Also available is the illustrated lined journal Weathering, and a limited edition bookish combination of story and image called Saltwater Lace. You can find my books in the Store or ask for them through your favorite indie bookseller (distributed by Penguin Randomhouse). I also contribute images to other books including memoirs, field guides, cookbooks, cover images, and more.
Future ideas in the works include a “growing up in the mountains on skis” picture book and a love story involving a fire lookout tender and a lighthouse keeper….